An indispensable Study – Spiritual Science

An indispensable study – Martinus Cosmology
Ole Therkelsen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

15.1   The principle of world redemption and the new world morality
The basis of the new world morality, according to Martinus, will be an Intellectualised Christianity or Christianity made scientific. Early Christianity was indeed a world religion, but when the analysis of eternity comes into Christianity, it becomes science, indeed it becomes the world science itself.
Evolution in earlier times was based on faith and following authority but on the last leg of the evolution towards perfection, mankind shall be an independent-minded being. For the spiritual researcher the cosmic analyses are in the beginning admittedly Martinus’ own personal knowledge, but gradually as they can be confirmed by personal experience and by the person’s own reasoning and thinking, this knowledge is transferred to become the spiritual researcher’s own knowledge. The purpose of Martinus’ analyses is to lead the student to an autonomous understanding of life and a view of life that is based not on belief but on knowledge that can be confirmed by the person’s own experience. The analyses are an aid to self-help. Life itself and the person’s own experiences and observations shall show the validity of the cosmic analyses and help us onward to cosmic consciousness.
Christ said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me”. According to Martinus, it means that nobody can have cosmic consciousness or experience the Father’s consciousness without taking the Christ road and practicing Christ’s way of being. Privately, in a circle of friends, Martinus was able to say, “I can also say that no one comes to the Father except through me”, by which he meant that it is necessary and indispensable to acquire the cosmic analyses and translate them into a practical way of being in order to come to the experience of God’s, the Father’s or the universe’s consciousness. Cosmos is an expression of the entire eternal and infinite universe, and to have cosmic consciousness is the same as experiencing the universe’s consciousness.
The divine creative principle and the principle of world redemption are the first topics Martinus discusses in the two main works Livets Bog (chapter 1-5) and The Eternal World Picture (symbols no. 1 and 2). Here he shows that the cosmic parent principle is necessary for humanity’s evolution here on earth and that no step in this evolution can be avoided or skipped. He writes that his world picture expresses the new world impulse and in his literature he refers to his work as “the twentieth century’s world redemption”.

Martinus’ collected work, The Third Testament, represents the new world impulse, in which the essence is precisely that “knowledge” which shall succeed the “belief” belonging to the old world impulse. Acquisition of “knowledge” instead of “belief” is an absolutely necessary and indispensable step in the evolution towards cosmic perfection.


Martinus havde ikke siddet ret længe, før han så et lysende punkt i det fjerne, og pludselig kom en kristusfigur til syne. Det var den danske billedhugger Bertel Thorvaldsens skulptur af Kristus, hvor han siger: “Kommer til mig” (Domkirken i København). – Figuren var lille og stod noget borte. Så blev det mørkt, og da det blev lyst igen, var figuren blevet levende og i naturlig menneskelig størrelse. Den var iklædt et gevandt af lysende små stjerner, næsten som en kåbe af diamanter. Det var kolossalt lysende, lyset var snehvidt, skyggerne var blå. Dette Kristus-væsen af blændende solskin kom ganske stille hen mod Martinus, der sad som lammet i sin kurvestol. Han så lige ind i en skikkelse af ild, der bestod af små lysende punkter, omtrent som ved en stjernekaster, blot var gnisterne meget mindre. Til sidst bevægede skikkelsen sig lige ind i Martinus’ krop, ind i hans indre. Her standsede den og blev stående. En vidunderlig ophøjet følelse betog Martinus, og lammelsen var forbi. /Ole Therkelsen
Kristus-skulpturen af Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844). Københavns Domkirke og Thorvaldsens Museum.

15.2   Is Martinus a world redeemer?
One might be led to think that Martinus is not a world redeemer, because he himself at the end of his life, often expressed (for instance in the book Intellectualised Christianity, chapter 1) that one should not perceive the biblical phrase or concept the “Second Coming of Christ” as an expression of a personal physical return of the world redeemer. He also said that after the Buddha, Christ and Muhammad there would not come more world redeemers, who should be worshipped as a person or authority. Humanity will no longer be led by authority and therefore one should not expect that the Second Coming of Christ will manifest itself by his coming in physical form to be worshipped.
But these statements do not prevent Martinus from being a world redeemer. He should simply work by other means than earlier world redeemers and should keep his own person in the background, and create a new cosmic science that should help humanity towards independent thinking and the understanding of life.
Privately Martinus could refer to himself as “world redeemer”, several close friends and co-workers report. If there were problems and difficulties, Martinus could bravely say, “Well, that must a world redeemer also put up with”. Martinus has actually in writing described himself – though in a humble way – as “the world redeemer of the next millennia”. Lars Nibelvang had among Martinus’ rough notes found a statement showing that Martinus’ consciousness was always focused upon removing all forms of personality cult. Although Martinus will be shown to be the world redeemer of the next millennia, he gives God the credit for it.
Martinus: “Thus it is not I, but you – by virtue of that part of your divine being and the other principles which you have given me to practical and theoretical demonstration before the world’s eyes – the world redeemer of the next millennia.” (Martinus As We Remember Him, page 27, 1989).

By virtue of his role as world redeemer Martinus refers indirectly to himself as a Christ-being and a totally perfect human being in God’s image.

Martinus: “In the last stage of the manifestation of world redemption, which means, the stage in which the being’s evolution is completed and where it becomes the totally perfect human being in God’s image, this manifestation is promoted exclusively by world redeemers who have long since become finished human beings in God’s image, that is they have become Christ-beings.” (EWP2 §23.5).

Martinus did not want to draw attention to his own person and he remained indeed unknown to the public in his own lifetime.

Martinus: “I am only anxious to make people investigate for themselves the actual facts relative to the divine manifestation in palpable, physical phenomena, whoever and wherever this might appear, so as to change mere belief into certainty, ignorance to knowledge, religion into science. I am desirous of subduing every form of personal worship and, on the contrary am working for an ever increasing recognition of the veritable existence of the Holy Spirit.” (On the Birth of my Mission, chapter 9).

MARTINUS ET SON ŒUVRE Martinus (1890-1981) est né dans la petite ville danoise de Sindal, dans le Jutland du Nord. Au terme d’une courte scolarité à l’école primaire qui ne comprenait que deux fois trois heures de cours par semaine en été, et un peu plus en hiver, il gagna sa vie en occupant des emplois modestes, dans des laiteries et autres, jusqu’au jour de 1921 où il commença à écrire l’œuvre qu’il consacra, pendant les soixante années qui suivirent, aux sciences spirituelles. Dans la Préface de Livets Bog, Martinus raconte dans quelles circonstances sa vie changea: “… de toutes nouvelles facultés sensorielles avaient surgi en moi, facultés qui me rendaient capable de voir, non pas sporadiquement mais en permanence et à l’aide de ma conscience éveillée, toutes les causes invisibles, les forces spirituelles principales, les lois éternelles de l’univers, les énergies et les principes fondamentaux que recèle le monde physique. Le mystère de la vie n’était donc plus pour moi un mystère”. Livets Bog, qui compte sept volumes, est l’œuvre maîtresse de Martinus. Il contient des analyses cosmiques qui décrivent en détails la structure, les lois et les principes éternels de la vie. Martinus a aussi écrit, en complément, L’Image Éternelle de l’Univers (les livres de symboles), Logique et Funérailles. L’Image Éternelle de l’Univers contient des symboles qui représentent des principes-essences et des analyses concentrées, et qui permettent au lecteur d’avoir facilement accès à une vue d’ensemble de la structure cosmique de l’univers. Martinus a intitulé ses œuvres complètes, qui comptent des milliers de pages, Le Troisième Testament. Pour lire la Cosmologie de Martinus, on ne doit ni faire partie d’une association ni prendre une carte de membre.
L’intuitive Martinus (1890-1981) du Danemark 90 années en 1980. Martinus estl l’auteur de “Le Troisième Testament” (La suite de la Bible).

15.3   Martinus’ world picture is unparalleled
Many people perceive Martinus Cosmology as just a school of thought among many others and certainly not as something unique, as an indispensable study to complete the development towards perfection. But Martinus sees his work The Third Testament as the Intellectualised, immortal Christianity that will be the foundation of life for humanity in the next millennia here on earth (IC, Preface).
Martinus: “All these cosmic analyses have no parallel in the world and nobody else can make them and nobody else will come who can make them. Human beings will indeed gradually get cosmic glimpses and start getting cosmic consciousness, and they can then elaborate certain local material. But that which through me has been created in the world is accordingly that which Christ promised mankind.” (Lecture in Varnhem, Sweden, 2 June 1968)
In another lecture Martinus said: “You may think that I am boasting, but try to see if there is anybody like me. Is there another world picture? No, there is not. There is no other, there will be no other, you are not going to get other analyses. It has been presented to you as science and this is what is “The Comforter, the Holy Spirit”. My analyses are “holy knowledge and holy thoughts” and it is these that will be the foundation for the salvation of mankind and for the development of mankind to be ‘man in the image of God’.” (On Myself, My Mission and Its Significance, English Kosmos, no. 2/2004)

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 11 - The Eternal World Picture, the Living Being 2, the Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God The symbol shows the universe as a whole. The universe is a living being, namely the Godhead. The Godhead appears as a triune principle consisting of the I, the faculty to create and the created. The Godhead contains all existing beings, the sons of God. Each son of God constitutes the same triune principle, and the symbol therefore also symbolises every being. The Godhead and the sons of God interact perpetually. Since all existing living beings’ organs for creating and experiencing constitute collectively the Godhead’s organ for creating and experiencing, it is evident here that the Godhead is omnipresent, almighty, all-wise and all-loving. The keynote of the universe is love.
Explanation of Symbol The Eternal World Picture, the Living Being 2, the Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God
The symbol shows the universe as a whole. The universe is a living being, namely the Godhead. The Godhead appears as a triune principle consisting of the I, the faculty to create and the created. The Godhead contains all existing beings, the sons of God. Each son of God constitutes the same triune principle, and the symbol therefore also symbolises every being. The Godhead and the sons of God interact perpetually.

15.4   A complete world picture for the first time in the history of the earth
Many argue against Martinus Cosmology that it does not at all contain anything new. They claim that what Martinus says there are so many who have said before him. An old proverb says, “there is nothing new under the sun”.
It is true that it is not Martinus who invented the eternal cosmic laws or principles that govern life. “They existed before I was born, I’ve just had the ability to sense them”, Martinus has said repeatedly. Seen from this perspective there is nothing new in Martinus’ world picture.
Many of life’s great truths are like fragments already presented in the various religions and sciences of the earth, but with Martinus’ eternal world picture it is the first time in the history of the earth that a perfect and complete explanation of life is created, assembled in a logical, scientific and mathematically drawn up eternal world picture. All wise men, religions and sciences have only fragments of the world picture, and therefore mankind has also previously only learned about these fragments.
Personally I am of the opinion that many of Martinus’ analyses, for example, of mankind’s sexual pole transformation, love towards the microcosm and the spiral cycle and the structure of eternal life have previously never been described in the literature.

15.5   Martinus’ “love proof”
How could Martinus now be so sure that everything he wrote was true? He himself answered, “It is true because all my analyses conclude in love”. “All my analyses show that everything is very good”.
In his lectures Martinus used different variants of his “love proof”. He said that he could be absolutely certain that he wrote the truth because all the analyses on all points finish with the answer – universal love, and that one should love one’s neighbour as oneself. Is there any higher explanation of life than that everything is an expression of love? Universal love is the highest science. Universal love is the keynote of the whole universe.
Martinus has written an entire chapter headed “The guarantee of my cosmic analyses’ identity with the eternal truth” that deals with this love proof (Collected Articles 1, §8.25). Here he writes that his educational work has only been created by virtue of cosmic consciousness and it can be recognized by that the fact that his analyses do not in any field have another conclusion than that one should be good and loving and love one’s neighbour. Everything he has written is one great defence for observing the great commandment “love one another”. It is a logical explanation of immortality and of “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. Everything turns out in the final reckoning to be of benefit, happiness and blessing for all living creatures.
Through his high cosmic visions Martinus received the gift to be able to analyse the structure of the universe in text, pictures and symbols, which can now be read and studied. But could Martinus perhaps make a mistake in his analyses of the world picture?
Martinus: “I cannot be wrong, because I did not invent it. I can show that every single analysis leads in its final reckoning to love, and there is not one place that leads to the opposite. Therefore I can say there is nothing higher than this spiritual science which has now been created and there will come nothing higher. It will come to carry the future world culture and the people who today welcome it and have the benefit and enjoyment of it and help it, they are the new world culture’s pioneers, and it is they who shall lead it forward.” (Lecture 30 June 1969)
One cannot form a sect by virtue of the fact that two and two equals four. A science cannot be tied into a sect, and there is no subscription nor association with membership around Martinus Spiritual Science. Everyone is free at the library or at home to study Martinus’ works, just as one can study the works of Freud, Marx or Einstein. There is no binding; the only bond is the interest and joy one has in being occupied with Martinus’ spiritual analyses. Martinus said that just as one is free to choose whether to sit in the sun or the shade, one is also free to choose whether one will study the analyses or not. The whole of Martinus’ lifework is a pure gift to humanity; it is completely free.

15.6   Will there be no more world pictures on the earth after Martinus?
World redeemers with cosmic consciousness are, according to Martinus, guests from a higher world who in the service of world redemption come to earth to help younger brothers forward in evolution. But gradually earth’s own residents will evolve to acquire cosmic consciousness, and Martinus has roughly estimated that more people with cosmic consciousness will begin to come upon the earth in 1,000-1,500 years, the very first perhaps in 500 years, and in the literature Martinus writes that the majority in 3,000 years will have cosmic consciousness.
Some therefore think that Martinus’ spiritual scientific analyses are not indispensable to achieve cosmic consciousness, because others will come and make world pictures that are just as good as Martinus’ when they one day reach cosmic consciousness. But the wheel can only be invented once!
There can only be one eternal world picture and it fell to Martinus’ fate to be the first, the only and the last one who here on this planet should present this in a logical and scientific way.
There is only one analysis of the I (X1): “there is something that is”. There is only “one divine something”. Everything that exists is simply “a divine something that is”.
There is only one universal creative principle X2, which can be analysed out into several big creative principles on which one can also say that there is only one contrast principle, one hunger and satiation principle, one perspective principle, one sexual pole principle, one attraction and repulsion principle, one life-unit principle, one movement principle, one cycle principle, one talent kernel principle, one repetition principle, one reincarnation principle, one parent principle and one principle of world redemption.
There is only one comprehensive analysis of the constancy or eternal existence of energy in the form of the analysis of X3 which represents all the created or temporal.
This analysis of the entire universe and of the triune structure of living beings is nothing less than the solution to the mystery of life (See also LB2 §559-617, LB3 §680-762 and EWP3 §32.3 to 32.14).
The people who in the future will get cosmic consciousness here on earth will not again create a new “eternal world picture”. They will only be able to come with additional details to the all-embracing mother science that has been presented by Martinus.
Conversely, people in 3,000 years when they read Livets Bog will regard it as a fairy tale or children’s book that tells something about mankind’s current, relatively low level of understanding of the analyses of life.


15.7   Martinus Spiritual Science is a mother science

It should be emphasized that Martinus has only analysed the major principles of the universal science. It is left to present and future scientists with cosmic flashes and cosmic consciousness to explain all the many details in this big world picture.

But in defiance of this wealth of detail of life Martinus argues anyway that his spiritual science is the “mother science” of all science, of all knowledge, of all intellectual manifestation. Natural science and all materialistic science he sees as a small offshoot or department of his spiritual science (See Collected Articles 1, §14.10).

Similarly, intuitively gifted biologists of the future will be able to explain the entire course of evolution and for example expound in detail on all the transitional forms in the evolution from reptile to bird. Even though anthropologists, psychologists, geologists, astronomers, etc. all separately will be able to also add new details to the world picture, Martinus Spiritual Science will still remain a unifying mother science.


15.8   Providence is not careless with world redeemers

As Martinus himself stated, as mentioned in section 15.3, there will not come any more world redeemers after him here on earth, for now mankind is so advanced that they with the help of his cosmic analyses are able to go the last leg to cosmic consciousness. Providence is not careless with world redeemers.

Christ did not come again to demonstrate the universal love once more.

Martinus: “Christ came, amongst other things, into the world to show ‘the culmination of universal love’. Was not this, for instance, what happened on the Cross? – What love can be greater than this, that in the middle of the culmination of life’s worst sufferings that one’s enemy has inflicted upon one, to ask God for forgiveness for those causing this terrible deed? – God has thus shown mankind, by Christ’s way of being, the peak or end goal for His creation of man in His image after His likeness. He does not need to do it again. Now it is mankind who themselves shall start studying the divine knowledge, that now exists in intellectual form, and themselves experience and see the truth in the ‘eternal light’ and by that means eventually become ‘Christ-beings’ or finished human beings in God’s image after His likeness.” (IC §6).


15.9   Theoretical and personally experienced cosmic consciousness

Martinus demonstrates in his analyses that in order to achieve cosmic consciousness it is necessary to understand the laws of life and become an independent thinking person who is completely freed from religious dogma and authority. There are two essential steps in the evolution towards cosmic consciousness. First, one must acquire theoretically the cosmic analyses, and then one has to train or practise the talents for translating the theoretical understanding into practical behaviour. Neither of these two steps can be skipped in evolution.

Martinus shows the necessity for a theoretical guidance concerning what is good and evil: “Although the humane faculty grows and gets people to feel repulsion towards evil, it will not be able to give humanity any particular theoretical guidance as to what really is evil and what really is good. There is so much that apparently is good, but really is evil, just as there is much that seems evil, but really is good. To completely be able to determine what is evil and what is good in the divine world plan, one must know this plan’s main structure” (LB7 §2523).

Concerning the acquisition of “theoretical cosmic consciousness”, Martinus writes, “These susceptible people can with their intelligence receive the intelligence-related interpretation of life’s real cosmic and thus eternal analyses. They can thereby obtain the theoretical experience of the meaning of life or the solution to the mystery of life, as God reveals it through the structure of the universe. By that means they become, both in consciousness and behaviour, gradually made susceptible for “cosmic glimpses”, to finally at last experience the total cosmic consciousness as a permanent mental structure in which they are one with God, infinity and eternity” (LB7 §2524).


15.10   Livets Bog is not the one and only salvation, but still indispensable

Martinus, in the Preface to Livets Bog 1, will really make the reader understand that the universal world picture or the eternal wisdom which he has manifested in the form of Livets Bog “does not in any way claim, or suggest any right, to constitute a so-called ‘one and only salvation’”. (LB1 §10).

He argues himself that a single manifestation like Livets Bog cannot replace or supersede all other forms of manifestation. Life must of course equally make use of all the existing manifestations. That Livets Bog should be the one and only salvation would indeed be tantamount to the rendering superfluous of all other religions and philosophies.

Framsida af Livets Bog i 1932. Vid utgivandet valde Martinus inte det ovan nämnda tecknet, men strålkorset på framsidan av Livets Bog (se symbol nr 41, Den eviga världsbilden, del 4).
Framsida af Livets Bog i 1932. Vid utgivandet valde Martinus inte det ovan nämnda tecknet, men strålkorset på framsidan av Livets Bog (se symbol nr 41, Den eviga världsbilden, del 4).

Each step in evolution has its natural religious source of inspiration that cannot be replaced by Martinus’ work, which in this way is not the one and only salvation. Evolution has many steps and happens through many different paths, all of which are equally necessary.

Even though Livets Bog is not the one and only salvation, so all on a certain stage of evolution will come to study the laws of life and the cosmic analyses before they get cosmic consciousness. Even though evolution goes through many different paths, all shall inevitably go through the same gate to gain access to the real human kingdom.


15.11   People grow out of the old religions like children outgrow their clothes

Livets Bog cannot replace the many religions, outlooks on life and philosophies that provide great inspiration to people here on earth. Martinus compares the many different religions and outlooks on life down through the ages with children’s clothing. As children grow out of old clothes and must have bigger clothes, so also people grow out of old and out-dated religions and must have new inspiration, until they finally come to the absolute analyses of truth in the form of the cosmic analyses and the eternal world picture. Mankind shall become adult and sovereign.

Livets Bog is for the spiritual researcher a manual on how to observe life, like the flora for the botanist is a handbook to observe plants. Livets Bog is an aid to understanding the direct speech of life, or existence’s own livets bog. Martinus is not an authority to be believed, but he is a guide who shows where and how one can make one’s observations of the laws of life. When he wrote the series of cosmic analyses that collectively constitute the basic analysis of the universe, it was not just so that one should study them. The intention on Martinus’ side is to animate the readers themselves to find out if what he writes is now really something that can be observed. Ultimately it is our own experiences and observations that shall demonstrate the validity of Martinus’ work – The Eternal World Picture.

On the last step of evolution before cosmic consciousness, everyone on this planet will therefore unavoidably and inevitably come to study the cosmic analyses of spiritual science, no matter what paths they have followed previously.


15.12   The three major factors in evolution

In connection with the argument for cosmology being an indispensable stage in evolution towards cosmic consciousness, it must be stressed that evolution does not just depend upon a single factor but on several factors. Martinus has on one occasion listed the three most important factors for mankind’s evolution:


  1. One’s own experiences
  2. Education
  3. The good example


Of these three factors our own experience plays by far the largest role, let us simply say approximately 80%. (Danish Kosmos no. 5/2013). But teaching, for example in connection with spiritual science, also plays an important role, e.g. 15%. Inspiration to follow others good example plays a small but not insignificant role in evolution, about 5%.

It is a general principle in evolution towards cosmic consciousness that the more evolved help and teach the less evolved. Therefore, the parent principle or the principle of world redemption can also be included under the eternal principles of creation in the creative faculty X2.

Martinus Cosmology is a moral teaching that aims to inspire people to practise neighbourly love. Martinus warned against deliberate attempts to achieve cosmic glimpses or an artificial initiation.

Martinus: “For with fundamental moral development the cosmic faculties will come about quite of themselves in a natural way in all their unfailing power and strength and without any danger or any risk to the individual” (LB1 §208).

“After all, we can nevertheless never get the explanation anywhere else than through life’s own direct speech”, writes Martinus (LB3 §679). It could be interpreted that studies do not play any role in evolution. But studies and teaching are also a part of life’s direct speech. Moreover, Livets Bog is a handbook for observing life. Livets Bog is a language aid and grammar helping towards an independent understanding of “Life’s direct speech”.

Martinus: “I, with my cosmic analyses, do not wish to be an authority in whom people must believe. The individual spiritual researcher must carefully re-examine and study my lifework. He must confront it with his own experiences. Only then can it be of value to him, when it becomes independent thinking and analysing, when – it becomes a help for self-help which leads to initiation into the mystery of life itself” (Possession, English Kosmos, no. 4/1988).


15.13   Martinus shows a very tolerant attitude

Martinus’ comprehensive tolerance emerges particularly in the Preface to Livets Bog where he defends all people, as in section 14 where he writes that Livets Bog is a defence even of the book’s opponents, and in section 19, where he emphasizes that Livets Bog is a defence of all existing beings.

Martinus: “Livets Bog cannot, therefore, be encapsulated in, or monopolized by, any kind of sect or community; for, just because of its universal, impartial manifestation of love and wisdom, it can never come to exist without forming a textbook equally for those who are not members of any sect as it is for those who are, just by virtue of its identity as a universal expression of life’s own living religion – of which everyone, as said above, is a member, and all things are doctrines” (LB1 §15).

For every truth seeker or student of life’s highest problems, it is of great importance to be guided to the right source of information and Martinus does not write here that Livets Bog is the sole proper source. He writes instead that the divine wisdom radiates through many different forms of beings, sciences, religions and branches of art.

But how can one know that one has found the right source of informational source? One is at the proper source when one gets inspiration and experiences “a flow of warm waves, a flow of life-force and energy, of ideas, of longing to represent a higher degree of perfection, a flow of hope and faith in Providence and the Father, of divine satisfaction, harmony and happiness and an irresistible urge for loving; in other words, an increased ability to love everything and everybody. Where he is in contact with one or more of these flows, there is his right place in life” (LB1 §17).


15.14   Livets Bog or Martinus Cosmology is sufficient to get cosmic consciousness

People have often asked if Martinus would manage to finish his work, to which he replied that his mission was finished with the completion of Livets Bog. Everything he wrote afterwards was “extra”. In Livets Bog, which was completed in 1960, there was sufficient material to obtain cosmic consciousness.

As an 80-year-old Martinus said: “There are some new things I hope to get completed and even though I do not manage to get it finished as I want, then I must say that the world mission is rescued. There has been given so much material that the new world culture can flourish. Humanity can attain cosmic consciousness through the study of my analyses and with the practice of the following subsequent way of being” (Lecture 11 August 1970, EWP5 §77.2).

As an 85-year-old Martinus said in his welcoming speech at Klint, “There is the best prospect that I get a couple more years and can finish what I have already started. I have a lot that I want to complete. But my mission, that which can give mankind cosmic consciousness, is long finished. The mission has long since been finished. What I have left are things that I embarked upon because I was so strong and because I have the strength to be able to implement them” (Danish Kosmos, no. 7/2004).


15.15   Previously the most evolved people on earth needed to incarnate on other planets in order to get teaching in spiritual science

When Martinus in 1932 wrote the first volume of his main work Livets Bog, even relatively highly evolved people could not get cosmic consciousness here on earth.

Martinus: “The Great Birth cannot take place on earth in the case of those human beings who gradually become so purified and developed that they are able to receive a fundamental experience of it, but only in worlds which are further forward in evolution. This means that when a terrestrial person has experienced a number of forerunner symptoms of the Great Birth through several lives, and has become mature enough for the genuine experience, he or she will no longer be born on this earth but in a higher world where the Great Birth is fundamental. But in about three thousand years time the earth’s development will have reached so far that the Great Birth can be experienced here, and the real human kingdom will have arisen within the earth’s horizon” (LB1 §248).

But already after 1960, when LB7 and thus the entire main work was completed, one was indeed able to get cosmic consciousness on this planet. This is evident from the following quote, which was published four years later in 1964.

Martinus, “Before we go on we must point out that so far no being here on the earth has been able to evolve as far as the finished stage, where it has become the human being in God’s image after his likeness. When such a finished human being, such as described above, showed itself in flesh and blood, showed itself in a physical organism, it was in reality only as a guest on the earth. The conditions for reaching such a high evolutionary standard have not previously been present here on the earth. And the beings then, when they had become mature enough for an evolutionary epoch that was as yet unattainable on the earth, had to incarnate or be born in a world or on a planet that was so much further forward in evolution that it had the conditions for the beings there to evolve right up to the finished stage and become human beings in God’s image after his likeness. Many of the advanced men and women of the past have long since incarnated on such a higher planet or world, which is even now a finished or real human world, such as that which the earth one day will become. Not until the new epoch of world redemption that began in the twentieth century could people complete their evolution towards becoming God’s image after his likeness here on earth” (EWP2 §21.6).

It is especially Martinus’ work as the kernel of the twentieth century’s world redemption that has changed this situation so that one can now have cosmic consciousness here on the earth. According to Martinus the world state will come to have the cosmology as its “religion” or spiritual basis, and it will come to permeate the entire future culture in such a way that the cosmic analyses will become an integral and natural part of mankind’s way of thinking. Children of the future will be taught in school the symbols and the analyses and that means that no person on earth will be able to avoid becoming acquainted with the cosmic analyses, even without detailed study of Livets Bog.


15.16   The analyses shall be translated into practical behaviour

Martinus describes how the acquisition of the cosmic analyses through the A-, B- and C-stage helps the being onwards to cosmic consciousness. To get cosmic consciousness, the cosmic analyses of spiritual science shall first be integrated into the consciousness as theoretical A-knowledge and then be translated into conscious practising as B-knowledge, and finally as automatic practising in the form of C-knowledge.

Martinus writes about this evolution in connection with the analyses of mankind’s sexual development from A- to K- human beings. The most evolved people on earth today are the so-called I-human beings who have grown out of marriage and have got such a universal love that they can love their own sex. Previously, I-human beings here on earth had to incarnate on other more evolved planets to acquire the cosmic analyses of spiritual science and cosmic consciousness (LB5 §1890).

Martinus: “When the I-human being had reached a certain level of maturity, it had to incarnate, as previously mentioned, on another planet that had evolved to such a higher level that the solution to the mystery of life or the real, eternal world picture was an absolutely concrete and general, awake day-conscious fact, and where the great birth was a daily occurrence, just as physical birth is an everyday occurrence here on the terrestrial plane. Here the mature I-human being slipped instantly into the process of acquiring the cosmic analyses of spiritual science. These became A-knowledge, which means, knowledge based on realistic facts. Then they became a daily practice, which is the same as B-knowledge. Through daily practice, they became C-knowledge, which in turn is the same as an independent habitual function or talent. And with his behaviour culminating in humaneness and neighbourly love, and his psyche and intellectuality culminating in the highest knowledge, the I-human being’s spiritual and physical vibrations came onto the same wavelength as the keynote of the universe or the energy of absolute love. And the very moment that the being’s psyche came into contact with this wavelength, the great birth began. The being was no longer an animal but a human being in God’s image” (LB5 §1892).


15.17   The Jewish temple as a symbol of the A-, B- and C-stage of cosmic consciousness

In his book Logic, chapter 94, Martinus has in special detail explained a talent’s creation through the three stages of A-, B- and C-knowledge, which represent respectively theoretical knowledge, practical exercise and perfect or automatic function. In the article The Temple of the Psychic in Book no. 21 (translated in English Kosmos, no. 1/1993) and in LB6 §1984-1987 Martinus explains the symbolism to be found in the Jewish tabernacle with the outer and the inner forecourts, the outer sanctum and the Holy of Holies or inner sanctum.

“The heathens who populate the outer forecourt are all beings who still live as tools for the manifestations of the killing principle, live as powerful physical killers” (LB6 §1984).

“Only the beings who have finished with all these manifestations of killing and are no longer possessed by the great superstition, that one is permitted to persecute one’s neighbour, because it is this neighbour who is the cause of one’s unhappy fate, aspire to the Great Birth” (LB6 §1985).

In Martinus’ interpretation of the symbolism of the temple of initiation the people in the “inner forecourt” have a theoretical understanding of the cosmic analyses, and are thus at wisdom’s A-stage. By practising the cosmic analyses in daily behaviour, they enter gradually into the “outer sanctum”, which is the seat of wisdom’s B-stage. Wisdom’s C-stage corresponds to “the Holy of Holies” or “inner sanctum”.

Martinus: “When wisdom has thus become an automatic function in the daily behaviour and the being in that way has no more darkness to contend with or does not have anything to overcome in their way of being, and the same being has become a human being who in every particular complies with neighbourly love or the principle of loving one’s neighbour as oneself, as the obvious and natural way of being, then it is finished with the animal kingdom. Then it has got through both the ‘forecourt’, the ‘inner forecourt’ and the ‘outer sanctum’ and has now entered ‘the Holy of Holies’ or ‘inner sanctum’ in God’s tabernacle or the temple of life. Then it has become a true ‘high priest’ or a Christ-being that has access to the temple of life’s ‘Holy of Holies’. It is this making perfect of the being, which culminates in the form of ‘the Great Birth’ or initiation” (LB6 §1985).


15.18   Cosmic consciousness is God consciousness

In the explanation of the symbol, “The Second Coming of Christ in the clouds” [no. 23], on the front cover of the main work Martinus explains how the world redeemer helps when the highly evolved human being aspires to initiation in cosmic consciousness.

Martinus: “At this stage the aspirant to the great birth meets the world redeemer or the Christ-being. The aspirant thus witnesses this being, who reveals himself to him in his celestial glory. He sees the world redeemer in an all-pervading white flood of rays emanating from his cosmic body, which appears to be built up of millions upon millions of microscopic stars each emitting a little flood of rays of snow-white light, which, together with the multitude of other small stars, forms the snow-white, all-outshining light-material of which the Christ-being’s organism is built up. With this all-outshining cosmic organism of light the Christ-being now penetrates the spirit of the aspirant and hereby opens its talent kernels for the experience of cosmic consciousness (EWP2 §23.5).

Martinus: “What else could be world morality other than love? – Love must be the world morality, and love is indeed the answer in everything I have done, in everything I have written. I have never criticised anything, not even the black or dark. But I have explained the darkness and its consequences and explained how it leads to the light at the end. Everything leads to the light. Everything leads to God. Everything leads forward to that mankind gets God consciousness” (Danish Kosmos, no. 7/2004).

From my book “Martinus and the new World Morality” published by
Scientia Intuitiva Edition in Denmark, www.

There is both instructive and entertaining reading with such chapter headings as: Martinus acquires Cosmic Consciousness, Krishnamurti as World Teacher, Prophecies about the Danish World Teacher, The Secrets of the Pyramids, The World Language – Esperanto, The Earth – a Living Being, The World State, Love towards Animals, Sickness and its Cure, The Christ Morality, Can Eternity be Understood? and The Second Coming of Christ. The book the outlines a new culture based on a new world morality and is intended for everyone who is interested in politics, science, philosophy, the environment, health and peace. The book may also be read as an introduction to the whole of Martinus’ life’s work – The Third Testament.
Ole Therkelsen (born 1948), chemical engineer and biologist, writes on the basis of his life-long involvement with Martinus Cosmology. He has given 2000 lectures on the Cosmology in fifteen countries in six different languages. Many of these lectures can be heard on








Det hemmelige tegn i Martinus’ brev til Krisnamurti i 1924

Det hemmelige tegn i Martinus’ brev til Krishnamurti i 1924
af Ole Therkelsen

  1. Forventningen om den ny verdenslærer Krishnamurti

Ligesom Kristus talte om sin genkomst, havde verdenslæreren Buddha også profeteret om sin genkomst som Maitreya eller Maitreya Buddha. I begyndelsen af 1900-tallet blev der i de teosofiske kredse også profeteret om, at der snart skulle komme en ny Messias, en Kristus eller Lord Maitreya. Præsident for Det teosofiske Samfund Annie Besant (1847-1933), der havde adopteret Krishnamurti, den kommende verdenslærer, skrev en bog og holdt talrige foredrag om dette emne.

Teosofferne var således vældigt på udkig efter den ny verdensfrelser. For at modtage og hjælpe den kommende store åndelige lærer blev der i 1911 i Indien dannet en global organisation med navnet “Ordenen af Stjernen i Øst” – “The Order of the Star in the East”. Annie Besant blev i 1909 lærer og tutor for den 14-årige Krishnamurti (1895-1986), og kort tid efter adopterede hun Krishnamurti og hans yngre bror.

Krishnamurti blev opdraget i den tro, at han skulle være den ny verdensfrelser, den genkomne Kristus. Krishnamurti blev som 15-årig indsat som overhoved eller præsident for “Stjernen i Øst”, og senere samme år den 28. maj 1911 udtaler han som 16-årig sine første officielle ord ved en kongres i det teosofiske samfunds hovedkvarter i London.

Den første artikel i bogen Martinus – som vi husker ham (Zinglersens Forlag) er et uddrag fra den dagbog, Lars Nibelvang (1879-1948) skrev i 1925, hvor der er et helt kapitel om Krishnamurti og verdenslærerproblematikken med overskriften: “Vor Stilling til ordenen “Stjernen i Øst”.”

Martinus’ brev, der var skrevet på dansk, blev dateret i København torsdag den 4. december 1924 og stilet til Præsidenten for Stjernen i Øst, Hr. J. Krishnamurti. Da Martinus i de syv første år 1921-1928 skulle leve helt anonymt, underskrev han ikke brevet med navn, men med et symbolsk tegn, der skulle være forståeligt for ethvert åndeligt højt udviklet menneske.
Martinus’ underskrift, som ikke blev brugt i brevet til Krishnamurti Jiddu i brevet dateret den 4. december 1924

Figur 1. Martinus’ underskrift


  1. Brevet med det hemmelige tegn

I 1924 overværede Martinus et foredrag i Odd Fellow Palæet af Annie Besant, der talte om den kommende verdenslærer Krishnamurti. Efter at have hørt Besants foredrag fik Martinus en stærk impuls om, at han skulle skrive et brev til Krishnamurti om den ny verdensimpuls.

Der var ikke noget fornærmende i det to sider lange brev, som Martinus sendte til Krishnamurti. Det var meget venligt og kærligt. Martinus oplyste blot om, at der fra Danmark i nær fremtid ville udgå en verdensoplysning, der var et defensorat for alle eksisterende væsener. (Se evt. Livets Bog 1, stk. 14-15). Han skitserede også det store omfang af denne verdensoplysning og dens natur, hvorfor han følte sig tilskyndet til på den kærligste måde at meddele, at det ville kunne være til stor glæde for Krishnamurti selv og blive til velsignelse for mange mennesker, hvis han kunne føle sig tilskyndet til at studere eller sætte sig ind i det danske sprog. Martinus bad ham om ikke at opfatte det som en opfordring eller som om, han bliver pålagt noget ansvar. Med stor tolerance udtrykte Martinus den samme varme og kærlighed over for ham uanset, hvad han måtte bestemme sig for.

Martinus’ brev, der var skrevet på dansk, blev dateret i København torsdag den 4. december 1924 og stilet til Præsidenten for Stjernen i Øst, Hr. J. Krishnamurti. Da Martinus i de syv første år 1921-1928 skulle leve helt anonymt, underskrev han ikke brevet med navn, men med et symbolsk tegn, der skulle være forståeligt for ethvert åndeligt højt udviklet menneske. Når Martinus senere var til disposition for verden, ville udløsningen af en genkendelse af deres guddommelige slægtskab ikke udeblive.

I årenes løb har der været mange gisninger om udseendet af det gådefulde og hemmelige tegn. Efter udgivelsen den 9. maj 2015 af alle Martinus’ i alt 100 symboler i symbolværket “Det Evige Verdensbillede” offentliggøres dette tegn herved i Kosmos – 92 år efter brevets afsendelse.

Martinus’ brev var skrevet på dansk og blev stilet til Præsidenten for Stjernen i Øst, Hr. J. Krishnamurti. Da Martinus i de syv første år 1921-1928 skulle leve helt anonymt, underskrev han ikke brevet med navn, men med et symbolsk tegn, der skulle være forståeligt for ethvert åndeligt højt udviklet menneske. Når Martinus senere var til disposition for verden, ville udløsningen af en genkendelse af deres guddommelige slægtskab ikke udeblive. I årenes løb har der været mange gisninger om udseendet af det gådefulde og hemmelige tegn. Efter udgivelsen af alle Martinus’ 100 symboler i “Det Evige Verdensbillede” offentliggøres dette tegn herved i Kosmos nr. 8, 2016 – 92 år efter brevets afsendelse. Copyright © Martinus Institut
Martinus, hemmelige tegn i brev til Krishnamurti den 4. december 1924. Copyright © Martinus Institut

Figur 2. Det symbolske tegn i Martinus’ brev til Krishnamurti, 04.12.1924
Copyright © Martinus Institut 1981


  1. Tre skriftlige omtaler af Martinus’ brev til Krishnamurti

Martinus’ brev til Krishnamurti har to gange fået en offentlig omtale i tidsskriftet “Okkultisten”, nemlig i februar 1941 og april 1943. I den sidstnævnte omtale står der, at brevet var undertegnet med “det initierede pragtfulde flammekors”.

Under overskriften “Fra Arbejdsmarken” kunne man læse: “Martinus sendte torsdag den 4. december 1924 en opfordring på dansk til Krishnamurti om at sætte sig ind i dette sprog og Livets Bogs kommende beskrivelse af verdensbilledet. Heri stilles i udsigt en senere afsløring af de to læreres førjordiske kødelige slægtskab. Også vi glæder os til at blive vidne til en ny bekræftelse på alle religioners enhed og fælles udspring.” (Okkultisten, februar 1941, side 39).

I et interview med Heinrich Hansen nævnes brevet også: “På dette tidspunkt var den unge Martinus Thomsen dukket op på arenaen, som i et brev af 5.12.24 havde opfordret præsidenten for ordenen “Stjernen i Øst”, Mr. J. Krishnamurti til at lære sig dansk for at kunne studere det af M. under udarbejdelse værende storværk om livet, men skønt brevet var undertegnet med det initierede pragtfulde flammekors, blev det ikke besvaret.” (Okkultisten, april 1943, side 82).

Alf Lundbeck (1904-1990) har i “Dagbogsblade, Dage med Martinus 1928-1932” også skrevet et lille afsnit om brevet til Krishnamurti. Lundbeck angiver, at Martinus skrev brevet for at beskytte Krishnamurti imod at begå fejltagelser, som han måske senere bittert ville fortryde og for at bidrage til, at denne sag ikke skulle drives for langt ud til sorg for alle parter.

Lundbeck skriver: “Martinus underskrev ikke brevet med sit navn, men med et tegn, der kun var forståeligt for højt åndsudviklede mennesker. Martinus viste mig kopien af brevet og læste det højt for mig en dag, da jeg var inde hos ham.”

Men med hvilket tegn underskrev Martinus så dette brev? Ja, lige siden da har udseendet af dette hemmelige tegn været lidt af et mysterium.

Det symbolske tegn, der var på forsiden af skitsebogen, brugte Martinus også som underskrift i sit brev til Krishnamurti den 04.12.1924. som i 1924 Martinus underskrev sit brev til Krishnamurti med. Det tegn, som Martinus brugte som underskrift, var en trekant med flammer inden i et hjerte, der var omgivet af et lysende strålehav. Flammerne, der udgår fra trekantens tre sider, er ligesom de gul-grønne flammer på den trekant, der symboliserer “det fuldkomne menneske i Guds billede” på symbol nr. 21 i Det Evige Verdensbillede, bog 2. Det fuldkomne menneske kan dagsbevidst opleve de kosmiske livsfacitter og verdensaltets struktur. Samme år 1924 anskaffede Martinus sig en skitsebog, hvis forside bærer titlen: Forstudie til Fremstilling af “Livets Bog” i Billeder. Man kan læse mere om historien bag denne skitsebog i Julebrev 2011, www.martinus. På skitsebogens forside ser man det samme tegn, som Martinus senere på året brugte i brevet af 04.12.1924, nemlig en trekant med flammer inden i et hjerte omgivet af et strålevæld.
Martinus skitsebog 1924. “Forstudie til fremstilling af Livets Bog i billeder”. © Martinus Institut 1981.

Figur 3. Forsiden på Martinus’ skitsebog fra 1924. Forstudie til “Livets Bog” i billeder. Kilde: Julebrev 2011, Ó Martinus Institut 1981


  1. Det symbolske tegn, som Martinus underskrev sit brev Krishnamurti med

Det tegn, som Martinus brugte som underskrift, var en trekant med flammer inden i et hjerte, der var omgivet af et lysende strålehav. Flammerne, der udgår fra trekantens tre sider, er ligesom de gul-grønne flammer på den trekant, der symboliserer “det fuldkomne menneske i Guds billede” på symbol nr. 21 i Det Evige Verdensbillede, bog 2. Det fuldkomne menneske kan dagsbevidst opleve de kosmiske livsfacitter og verdensaltets struktur.

Samme år 1924 anskaffede Martinus sig en skitsebog, hvis forside bærer titlen: Forstudie til Fremstilling af “Livets Bog” i Billeder. Man kan læse mere om historien bag denne skitsebog i Julebrev 2011, På skitsebogens forside ser man det samme tegn, som Martinus senere på året brugte i brevet af 04.12.1924, nemlig en trekant med flammer inden i et hjerte omgivet af et strålevæld.


Udkast til forside til Livets Bog ned det samme tegn, som Martinus i brev i 1924 sendte til Krishnamurti
Udkast til forside af Livets Bog cirka 1928. Copyright © Martinus Institut.

Figur 4. Udkast til forside af Livets Bog ca. 1928.
© Martinus Institut 1981.


  1. Udkast til forsiden af Livets Bog

Det tegn i brevet, som Martinus i 1924 havde sendt til Krishnamurti, blev senere anvendt i et udkast til forsiden på Livets Bog, som han også malede på en glasplade på 8 x 8 cm. Ved hjælp af denne glasplade kunne han vise denne forside som lysbillede ved sine foredrag i årene 1928–1931 op til udgivelsen af Livets Bog i 1932.

Under det ovenfor omtalte tegn havde Martinus på dette forsidesymbol tilføjet et nyt element, nemlig to hænder i et håndtryk som symbol på tilgivelse, venskab og kærlighed. Ved selve udgivelsen i 1932 valgte Martinus imidlertid på forsiden af Livets Bog at bringe strålekorset. (Se symbol nr. 41, Det Evige Verdensbillede, bog 4).

Framsida af Livets Bog i 1932. Vid utgivandet valde Martinus inte det ovan nämnda tecknet, men strålkorset på framsidan av Livets Bog (se symbol nr 41, Den eviga världsbilden, del 4).
Forside til Livets Bog i 1932. Ved udgivelsen valgte Martinus imidleritd strålkorset på Livets Bog (se symbol nr 41, Den eviga världsbilden, del 4).

Figur 5. Forsiden til Livets Bog i 1932. Strålekorset er også gengivet som symbol nr. 41,


  1. 6. En videreudvikling af tegnet i 1978

En videreudvikling af tegnet fra forsideudkastet til Livets Bog i 1928 med de fire elementer, trekant, hjerte, tilgivende håndtryk og strålehav finder vi på symbol nr. 23 fra 1929 med titlen Det færdige menneske i Guds lignelse efter hans billede. (Se symbol nr. 23 i Det Evige Verdensbillede, bog 2).

I 1978 ville Martinus, at dette symbol skulle bringes på forsiden af den planlagte nye bog “Det Tredje Testamente”, der for offentligheden skulle præsentere denne nye titel. (Se evt. Det Tredje Testamente, Den Intellektualiserede Kristendom, 2004).

På fotografiet fra 1978 ses Martinus med første udkast til bogens forside, hvor man ser, at han ikke har medtaget den nederste del af symbolet, måske netop for at fokusere på kristusprincippet med stråleglorien, det tilgivende håndtryk, trekanten og hjertefiguren.

Martinus med Introduktionsbogen Det Tredie Testamente, som han på det tidspunkt skrev som indledning til hans værk og som skulle udgives på Borgens Forlag. Hos Inge Sørensen *** Local Caption *** Martinus
Martinus med udkast til forside til bogen Det Tredie Testamente, som skulle udgives på Borgens Forlag.


Figur 6. Martinus med sit første udkast til forside af bogen om Det Tredje Testamente. Bemærk forlagsnavnet Borgen, og at det ikke er en forside til Livets Bog.
Foto Inge Sørensen, Vanløse Alle 26, den 13.08.1978


  1. Martinus’ sidste beslutning

Martinus’ sidste beslutning drejede sig om den historiske offentliggørelse af titlen “Det Tredje Testamente”, som man kan læse mere om i en artikel om udgivelsen Martinus’ 100 symboler. (Kosmos nr. 5, 2015).

Lørdag den 7. marts 1981 dagen før sin bortgang på Frederiksberg hospital besluttede Martinus, at det tillæg med forklaring til omslagets to symboler [nr. 23 og 19], som han skrev på i ugerne før indlæggelsen, ikke skulle med i den nye udgivelse, og dermed blev Livets Bog den 24 november 1981 udgivet på Borgen uden nogen som helst forklaring af den nye titel: Det Tredje Testamente.

I foredrag forklarede Martinus imidlertid, at hans værk “Martinus Åndsvidenskab” netop var opfyldelsen af den bibelske profeti om “Kristi genkomst” i form af “Talsmanden, den hellige ånd”, og at hans samlede værk derfor var “Det Tredje Testamente”. (Se Aage Hvolby, Kosmos nr. 10/2009).

Det kan påvises, at Martinus også knyttede bogens forside med en kristusfigur på skyerne til opfyldelsen af en anden bibelsk profeti fra Markus 13,26: Og de skulle se menneskesønnen komme i skyerne med megen kraft og herlighed. (Ole Therkelsen, Martinus og den ny verdensmoral, kap. 14, Scientia Intuitiva).

Bibelcitat fra titelblad til bogen, Den Intellektualiserede Kristendom.

Kristi forudsigelse om kristendommens kommende livsfornyelse
“Jeg har endnu meget mere at sige eder, men I kunne ikke bære det nu. Men når han, sandhedens ånd, kommer, skal han vejlede eder til hele sandheden; thi han skal ikke tale af sig selv, men hvad som helst han hører, skal han tale, og de kommende ting skal han forkynde eder.

Han skal herliggøre mig; thi han skal tage af mit og forkynde eder. Alt, hvad Faderen har, er mit; derfor sagde jeg, at han skal tage af mit og forkynde eder.” (Joh. 16,12-15)

Kristus-figur i opgang til Martinus' lejlighed på Mariendalsvej 94. Nu er Martinus' Mindestuer et museum, så man kan se hvordan Martinus boedeKristus-figur i opgang til Martinus’ lejlighed på Mariendalsvej 94. Martinus’ Mindestuer

Figur 7. Thorvaldsens Kristus-figur



  1. Tegnet på Det Tredje Testamente, der blev udgivet i 1981

Det første, Martinus skrev, var en taksigelse for det, han havde oplevet med kosmisk bevidsthed, og denne tekst blev i form af “Efterskrift” det sidste i Livets Bog, bind 7. Det første symbol i Martinus’ skitsebog fra 1924 blev tilsvarende det sidste symbol nr. 100 i symbolværket Det Evige Verdensbillede, bog 1-6.

På samme måde blev det første symbolske tegn anbragt på forsiden af Det Tredje Testamente, takket være Martinus beslutning, om at symbol nr. 23, Det færdige menneske i Guds billede efter hans lignelse, med trekant, hjerte og strålevæld skulle være på forsiden i den kommende Borgen-udgave i 1981. Det var Martinus’ sidste beslutning vedrørende sit værk.

Det symbolske tegn, som Martinus underskrev sit brev med, kom således til at indgå i den ny verdensoplysnings forsidesymbol under den verdenshistoriske titel Det Tredje Testamente.

Det første hemmelige tegn fra 1924 for den ny verdensoplysning, der skulle udgå fra Danmark, kom således til sidst til at indgå i den centrale del af forsiden på Det Tredje Testamente, Livets Bog, det mest koncentrerede udtryk den ny verdensoplysning.

Martinus' Livets Bog, bind 1, forside.
Forside til Livets Bog, der efter Martinus bortgang efter hans ønske i 1981 blev udgivet under titlen “Det Tredje Testamente”



Mine to bøger:

  1. Martinus, Darwin og intelligent design (2007)
  2. Martinus og den nye verdensmoral (2009)


Mine to CD-er:

  1. Kosmiske lektioner   (2006) 50 foredrag i MP3
  2. FOREDRAG i 2013 (2014) 48 foredrag i MP3

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Ole Therkelsen



Det hemliga tecknet i Martinus’ brev till Krishnamurti 1924

Det hemliga tecknet i Martinus brev till Krishnamurti 1924

av Ole Therkelsen

Med utgivningen år 2015 av Den eviga världsbilden, del 6, med symbolerna nr 78–100, har alla Martinus symboler getts ut. För att vara så fullständig som möjligt, offentliggörs härmed det symboliska tecken som Martinus använde i sitt brev till Krishnamurti år 1924. På Martinus minnesdag i Martinus Center, Klint, lördagen den 13 augusti höll Ole Therkelsen en presentation med rubriken ”Det hemliga tecknet”.


Liksom Kristus talade om sin återkomst, hade världsläraren Buddha också profeterat om sin återkomst som Maitreya eller Maitreya Buddha. I början av 1900-talet framfördes i teosofiska kretsar också profetior om att det skulle komma en ny Messias, en Kristus eller Lord Maitreya. Annie Besant (1847–1933), som i en lång rad år var president för Teosofiska samfundet, skrev en bok och höll många föredrag om detta ämne.

Teosoferna höll således i hög grad utkik efter den nya världsfrälsaren. För att motta och hjälpa den kommande stora andliga läraren skapades år 1911 en global organisation i Indien med namnet ”Orden för Stjärnan i Öster” – ”The Order of the Star in the East”. Annie Besant blev år 1909 lärare och mentor för den14-årige Krishnamurti (1895–1986), och kort tid därefter adopterade hon Krishnamurti och hans yngre bror.


Se VIDEO med tal på 23 min av Ole Therkelsen den 13.08.2016 i Martinus Center Klint

Krishnamurti uppfostrades i tron att han skulle bli den nya världsfrälsaren, den återkomna Kristus. Krishnamurti sattes som 15-åring in som överhuvud eller president för ”Stjärnan i Öster”, och senare samma år, den 29 maj 1911, uttalar han som 16-åring sina första officiella ord vid en kongress i det teosofiska samfundets huvudkvarter i London.

Den första artikeln i boken Martinus – som vi minns honom (Världsbilds förlag) är ett utdrag ur den dagbok som Lars Nibelvang (1879–1948) skrev år 1925, där det finns ett helt kapitel om Krishnamurti och världslärarproblematiken med rubriken ”Vår inställning till orden ’Stjärnan i Öster’”.

Martinus’ underskrift, som ikke blev brugt i brevet til Krishnamurti Jiddu i brevet dateret den 4. december 1924

Figur 1. Martinus’ underskrift

Martinus’ brev, der var skrevet på dansk, blev dateret i København torsdag den 4. december 1924 og stilet til Præsidenten for Stjernen i Øst, Hr. J. Krishnamurti. Da Martinus i de syv første år 1921-1928 skulle leve helt anonymt, underskrev han ikke brevet med navn, men med et symbolsk tegn, der skulle være forståeligt for ethvert åndeligt højt udviklet menneske.
Martinus’ underskrift, som ikke blev brugt i brevet til Krishnamurti Jiddu i brevet dateret den 4. december 1924

År 1924 närvarade Martinus vid ett föredrag i Odd-Fellowpalæet, där Annie Besant talade om den kommande världsläraren Krishnamurti. Efter att ha hört Besants föredrag, fick Martinus en stark impuls om att han skulle skriva ett brev till Krishnamurti om den nya världsimpulsen.

Det fanns ingenting sårande i det två sidor långa brev som Martinus skickade till Krishnamurti. Det var mycket vänligt och kärleksfullt. Martinus upplyste endast om att det i den nära framtid, från Danmark, skulle utgå en världsupplysning som var ett försvar för alla existerande varelser (se vidare Livets Bog del 1, st. 14–15). Han skisserade också upp den stora omfattningen av denna världsupplysning och dess natur, varför han kände sig manad att på det mest kärleksfulla sätt meddela att det skulle kunna bli till stor glädje för Krishnamurti själv och bli till välsignelse för många människor, om han skulle känna sig motiverad att studera eller sätta sig in i det danska språket. Martinus bad honom att inte uppfatta det som en uppmaning eller som om han skulle bli ålagd något ansvar. Med stor tolerans uttryckte Martinus samma värme och kärlek gentemot honom, oavsett vad han skulle bestämma sig för.

Tecknet från Martinus brev till Krishnamurti. © Martinus Institut 1981

Da Martinus i de syv første år af sit arbejde 1921-1928 skulle leve helt anonymt, underskrev han ikke brevet med navn, men med et symbolsk tegn, der skulle være forståeligt for ethvert åndeligt højt udviklet menneske.
Den 24. dec. 1924 skrev Martinus et brev til Præsidenten for Stjernen i Øst, Hr. J. Krishnamurti.

Martinus brev, som skrevs på danska, daterades i Köpenhamn till torsdagen den 4 december 1924, och var adresserat till presidenten för Stjärnan i Öster, herr J. Krishnamurti. Då Martinus under de första sju åren, 1921–1928, skulle leva helt anonymt, skrev han inte under brevet med namn, utan med ett symboliskt tecken, som skulle kunna förstås av varje andligt högt utvecklad människa. När Martinus senare stod till förfogande för världen, skulle utlösningen av ett igenkännande av deras gudomliga släktskap inte kunna utebli. Under årens lopp har det funnits många gissningar i omlopp om hur det gåtfulla och hemliga tecknet såg ut. Efter utgivandet av alla Martinus sammanlagt 100 symboler i symbolverket Den eviga världsbilden den 9 maj 2015, offentliggörs detta tecken härmed i Kosmos – 92 år efter att brevets skickades.



Martinus brev till Krishnamurti har omnämnts offentligt två gånger i den danska tidskriften Okkultisten, nämligen i februari 1941 och april 1943. I det senare omnämnandet står det att brevet hade undertecknats med ”det initierade praktfulla flamkorset”.

Under rubriken ”Från arbetsmarkerna” kunde man läsa: ”Martinus skickade torsdagen den 4 december 1924 en uppmaning på danska till Krishnamurti om att sätta sig in i detta språk och Livets Bogs kommande beskrivning av världsbilden. Här ställs i utsikt att de två lärarnas förjordiska släktskap skulle komma att avslöjas senare. Även vi gläder oss åt att bli vittne till en ny bekräftelse på alla religioners enhet och gemensamma källa” (Okkultisten, februari 1941, sid. 39).

I en intervju med Heinrich Hansen nämns brevet också: ”Vid denna tidpunkt hade den unga Martinus Thomsen dykt upp på arenan, som i ett brev från den 5/12 1924 hade uppmanat presidenten för orden Stjärnan i Öster, herr J. Krishnamurti, att lära sig danska för att kunna studera det storverk om livet som M. höll på att utarbeta, men trots att brevet hade undertecknats med det initierade praktfulla flamkorset, blev det inte besvarat.” ( Okkultisten, april 1943, sid. 82).

Alf Lundbeck (1904–1990) har i sina dagboksanteckningar, Dagbogsblade, Dage med Martinus 1928–1932, också skrivit ett litet avsnitt om brevet till Krishnamurti. Lundbeck uppger att Martinus skrev brevet för att skydda Krishnamurti mot att begå misstag, som han senare bittert skulle ångra, och för att bidra till att denna sak inte skulle drivas för långt, vilket skulle medföra ledsamheter för alla parter.

Lundbeck skriver: ”Martinus skrev inte under brevet med sitt namn, utan med ett tecken, som endast skulle kunna förstås av högt utvecklade människor. Martinus visade mig kopian av brevet och läste det högt för mig en dag, när jag var inne hos honom.”

Men vilket tecken skrev Martinus under brevet med? Ja, ända sedan dess har detta hemliga teckens utseende varit lite av ett mysterium.

Det symbolske tegn, der var på forsiden af skitsebogen, brugte Martinus også som underskrift i sit brev til Krishnamurti den 04.12.1924. som i 1924 Martinus underskrev sit brev til Krishnamurti med. Det tegn, som Martinus brugte som underskrift, var en trekant med flammer inden i et hjerte, der var omgivet af et lysende strålehav. Flammerne, der udgår fra trekantens tre sider, er ligesom de gul-grønne flammer på den trekant, der symboliserer “det fuldkomne menneske i Guds billede” på symbol nr. 21 i Det Evige Verdensbillede, bog 2. Det fuldkomne menneske kan dagsbevidst opleve de kosmiske livsfacitter og verdensaltets struktur. Samme år 1924 anskaffede Martinus sig en skitsebog, hvis forside bærer titlen: Forstudie til Fremstilling af “Livets Bog” i Billeder. Man kan læse mere om historien bag denne skitsebog i Julebrev 2011, www.martinus. På skitsebogens forside ser man det samme tegn, som Martinus senere på året brugte i brevet af 04.12.1924, nemlig en trekant med flammer inden i et hjerte omgivet af et strålevæld.
Martinus skitsebog 1924. Forside. Forstudie til fremstilling af Livets Bog i billeder. © Martinus Institut 1981.

Framsidan av Martinus skissbok från 1924. Förstudie till ”Livets Bog” i bilder.
Källa: Julbrev 2011, © Martinus Institut 1981



Det tecken som Martinus använde som underskrift var en trekant med flammor inuti ett hjärta, som var omgivet av ett lysande strålhav. Flammorna som utgår från trekantens tre sidor, påminner om de gulgröna flammorna på den trekant som symboliserar ”Den färdiga människan som Guds avbild” på symbol nr 21 i Den eviga världsbilden, del 2. Den fullkomliga människan kan på ett dagsmedvetet plan uppleva alla kosmiska livsfacit och världsalltets struktur.

Samma år, 1924, skaffade sig Martinus en skissbok, vars framsida har titeln Förstudie till framställning av ”Livets Bog” i bilder. Man kan läsa mer om historien bakom denna skissbok i Julbrev 2011 på På skissbokens framsida ser man samma tecken som Martinus senare det året använde i brevet den 4 december 1924, nämligen en trekant med flammor inuti ett hjärta omgivet av ett strålhav.

Martinus skitse 1928 til forside af Livets Bog 1
Udkast til forside til Livets bog på glasplade.

Det tecken i brevet som Martinus år 1924 hade skickat till Krishnamurti, användes senare i ett utkast till framsida av Livets Bog, som han också målade på en glasskiva omfattande 8 x 8 cm. Med hjälp av denna glasskiva kunde han visa denna framsida som ljusbild på sina föredrag under år 1928–1931 fram till utgivandet av Livets Bog år 1932.

Under det ovan nämnda tecknet hade Martinus på denna framsidessymbol lagt till ett nytt element, nämligen två händer i en handtryckning som symbol för förlåtelse, vänskap och kärlek. Vid själva utgivandet år 1932 valde Martinus emellertid att ta med strålkorset på framsidan av Livets Bog (se symbol nr 41, Den eviga världsbilden, del 4).

Martinus: “Livets Bog vil således ikke kunne indkapsles i eller monopoliseres af nogen som helst form for sekt- eller samfundsdannelse, idet den netop ved sin universelle, upartiske kærligheds- og visdomsmanifestation aldrig kan komme til at eksistere uden lige så godt at være en lærebog for dem, der ikke er medlem af nogen sekt, som for dem, der befinder sig i en sådan, netop i kraft af dens identitet som universaludtryk for livets egen levende religion, i hvilken alle som før nævnt er medlemmer, og alt er læresætninger.” (LB1 stk. 15).
Framsida af Livets Bog i 1932. Vid utgivandet valde Martinus inte det ovan nämnda tecknet, men strålkorset på framsidan av Livets Bog (se symbol nr 41, Den eviga världsbilden, del 4).

En vidareutveckling av tecknet från utkastet till framsida av Livets Bog år 1928 med de fyra elementen trekant, hjärta, förlåtande handtryckning och strålhav, finner vi på symbol 23 från 1929 med titeln ”Den färdiga människan som Guds avbild och honom lik” (se symbol nr 23 i Den eviga världsbilden, del 2).

År 1978 ville Martinus att denna symbol skulle publiceras på framsidan av den nya planerade boken Tredje testamentet, som skulle presentera denna nya titel för offentligheten (se vidare Tredje testamentet och Den intellektualiserade kristendomen (i svensk översättning 2016 på Världsbild förlag).

På fotografiet från 1978 ses Martinus med ett första utkast till bokens framsida, där man ser att han inte har tagit med den nedersta delen av symbolen, kanske just för att fokusera på kristusprincipen med strålglorian, den förlåtande handtryckningen, trekanten och hjärtfiguren.

  1. Martinus 88 år i 1978 med sin bog "Det Tredie Testamente"
    Martinus med Introduktionsbogen Det Tredie Testamente, som han på det tidspunkt skrev som indledning til hans værk og som skulle udgives på Borgens Forlag.
    Hos Inge Sørensen *** Local Caption *** Martinus


Martinus sista beslut handlade om det historiska offentliggörandet av titeln Tredje testamentet, som man kan läsa mer om i en artikel om utgivandet av Martinus 100 symboler (Kosmos nr 5/2015).

Lördagen den 7 mars 1981, dagen före hans bortgång på Frederiksberg hospital, beslutade Martinus att lägget med förklaringar till omslagets två symboler (nr 23 och 19), inte skulle med i den nya utgåvan, och därmed gav Livets Bog ut den 24 november 1981 på Borgens förlag utan någon som helst förklaring av den nya titeln Tredje testamentet.

I sina föredrag förklarade Martinus emellertid att hans verk, ”Martinus andliga vetenskap”, just var uppfyllelsen av den bibliska profetian om ”Kristi återkomst” i form av ”Hjälparen, den heliga anden”, och att hans samlade verk därför var Tredje testamentet (se Aage Hvolby i Kosmos nr 10/2009).

Det har påvisats att Martinus även kopplade bokens framsida till en kristusfigur på himlen för att uppfylla en annan biblisk profetia från Markus- evangeliet, 13:26: ”Då skall man få se Människosonen komma bland molnen med stor makt och härlighet” (Ole Therkelsen, Martinus och den nya världsmoralen, kap. 14, Världsbild förlag.)

BIBELCITAT från “Det Tredje Testamente – Den Intellektualiserede Kristendom:

Kristus förutsägelse om kristendomens kommande livsförnyelse:
”Jag har mycket mer att säga er, men ni förmår inte ta emot det nu. Men när han kommer, sanningens ande, skall han vägleda er med hela sanningen; han skall inte tala av sig själv utan förkunna det han hör och låta er veta vad som kommer att ske. Han skall förhärliga mig, ty av mig skall han ta emot det han låter er veta. Allt vad Fadern har är mitt; därför säger jag att det är av mig han tar emot det han skall låta er veta. (Joh. 16:12–15).

Thorvaldsens Kristus-figur

Martinus havde ikke siddet ret længe, før han så et lysende punkt i det fjerne, og pludselig kom en kristusfigur til syne. Det var den danske billedhugger Bertel Thorvaldsens skulptur af Kristus, hvor han siger: “Kommer til mig” (Domkirken i København). – Figuren var lille og stod noget borte. Så blev det mørkt, og da det blev lyst igen, var figuren blevet levende og i naturlig menneskelig størrelse. Den var iklædt et gevandt af lysende små stjerner, næsten som en kåbe af diamanter. Det var kolossalt lysende, lyset var snehvidt, skyggerne var blå. Dette Kristus-væsen af blændende solskin kom ganske stille hen mod Martinus, der sad som lammet i sin kurvestol. Han så lige ind i en skikkelse af ild, der bestod af små lysende punkter, omtrent som ved en stjernekaster, blot var gnisterne meget mindre. Til sidst bevægede skikkelsen sig lige ind i Martinus’ krop, ind i hans indre. Her standsede den og blev stående. En vidunderlig ophøjet følelse betog Martinus, og lammelsen var forbi. /Ole Therkelsen
Kristus-skulpturen af Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844). Københavns Domkirke og Thorvaldsens Museum. Martinus havde en lille gipskopi i sin lejlighed.



Det första som Martinus skrev var en tacksägelse för det han hade upplevt med sitt kosmiska medvetande, och denna text blev i form av en ”Efterskrift” det sista som står i Livets Bog, del 7. Den första symbolen i Martinus skissbok från1924 blev på motsvarande sätt den sista symbolen, nr 100, i symbolverket Den eviga världsbilden, del 1–6.

På samma sätt publicerades det första symboliska tecknet på framsidan av Tredje testamentet, tack vare Martinus beslut om att symbol nr 23, ”Den färdiga människan som Guds avbild och honom lik”, med trekant, hjärta och strålhav, skulle finnas på framsidan av den kommande Borgen-utgåvan år 1981. Det var Martinus sista beslut som rörde hans verk.

Det symboliska tecken som Martinus skrev under sitt brev med, kom således att ingå i en ny världsupplysnings framsidessymbol under den världshistoriska titeln Tredje testamentet. Tredje testamentet, Livets Bog, del 1.

Det första hemliga tecknet från 1924 för den nya världsupplysningen som skulle utgå från Danmark, kom således till sist att ingå i den centrala delen av första sidan till Tredje testamentet, Livets Bog, det mest koncentrerade uttrycket för den nya världsupplysningen.


Översättning till svenska: Pernilla Rosell.

Svensk Kosmos nr. 8, 2016,

Ole Therkelsen, Danmark